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Testimonial from LlabaresTabony Architects

Thank you to Enriquetta Llabres and Aiman Tabony from LlabresTabony Architects for their reviews on Wallacei and its application in various projects within their practice. We hope you continue to find it beneficial in your projects and very much look forward to seeing the results of your awesome work!

"Wallacei has proved to be a very interesting and useful tool. It has helped us to introduce environmental dynamics as a generative logic for the design of the urban fabric. The flexibility of the design tool combined with extensive and thorough analytics make it a very powerful engine. It is very useful across different stages of the design process."

Enriquetta Llabres

"Architectural design can be seen as complex system problems that require 

the employment of advanced computational tools and methods , we in LlabresTabony Architects have found Wallacei as one of the greatest tools to address problem solving in Architecture; it is an  ultimate tool in our research and practice for Multi-objective optimization , its a game-changing tool in the architectural and urban design domains." Aiman Tabony

Check out the practice's great work here.


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