We are thrilled to announce the latest addition to Wallacei.com - Research!
Research forms the cornerstone of Wallacei's development. As some of you may be aware, Wallacei is the result of many years of research and various collaborations, which continues to this day. It brings us insurmountable pleasure when we see Wallacei used in various research projects worldwide, it both helps us understand Wallacei's impact in various domains as well as assists us to better understand in which direction Wallacei should move in as we continuously develop the tool.
In this new section, we have linked to various publications that have used Wallacei - we will continue to add to this section in the future and so in the meantime, check out the various publications here!
If you have used Wallacei in your research, please send a link to your publication or information about your research to info@wallacei.com - We always love to see Wallacei in action!